【资料合集】Apache Flink 精选PDF下载

news/2024/7/20 12:45:30 标签: 大数据, 嵌入式, 内存管理

Apache Flink是一款分布式、高性能的开源流式处理框架,在2015年1月12日,Apache Flink正式成为Apache顶级项目。目前Flink在阿里巴巴、Bouygues Teleccom、Capital One等公司得到应用,如阿里巴巴对Apache Flink的应用案例。


为了更好地让大家了解和使用Apache Flink,我们收集了25+个Flink相关的演讲PDF(资料来自Apache Flink官网推荐)和相关文章,供大家参考。


  • Robert Metzger: Apache Flink Community Updates November 2016, Apache Flink Meetup Berlin, November 2016
  • Aljoscha Krettek: The Future of Apache Flink, Flink Forward, Berlin September 2016
  • Ufuk Celebi: Unified Stream & Batch Processing with Apache Flink ,Hadoop Summit Dublin, April 2016
  • Robert Metzger: A Data Streaming Architecture with Apache Flink ,Berlin Buzzwords, June 2016
  • Jamie Grier: Extending the Yahoo! Streaming Benchmark ,Flink Washington DC Meetup, March 2016
  • tephan Ewen: The Stream Processor as the Database - Apache Flink ,Berlin Buzzwords, June 2016
  • Aljoscha Krettek: Apache Flink for IoT: How Event-Time Processing Enables Easy and Accurate Analytics, Big Data Spain, Madrid November 2016
  • Till Rohrmann & Fabian Hueske: Declarative stream processing with StreamSQL and CEP ,Flink Forward, Berlin September 2016:
  • Fabian Hueske: Taking a look under the hood of Apache Flink’s relational APIs ,Flink Forward, Berlin September 2016
  • Stefan Richter: A look at Apache Flink 1.2 and beyond Apache,Flink Meetup Berlin, November 2016
  • Kostas Tzoumas: Stream Processing with Apache Flink® Apache ,Flink London Meetup, November 2016
  • Till Rohrmann: Streaming Done Right. ,FOSDEM, January 2016
  • Vasia Kalavri: Single-Pass Graph Streaming Analytics with Apache Flink. ,FOSDEM, January 2016
  • Jamie Grier: Stateful Stream Processing at In-Memory Speed. ,Flink NYC Meetup, March 2016
  • Kostas Tzoumas: Streaming in the Wild with Apache Flink ,Hadoop Summit San Jose, June 2016
  • Jamie Grier: Robust Stream Processing with Apache Flink ,Flink Forward, Berlin September 2016
  • Jamie Grier: The Stream Processor as a Database- Building Online Applications directly on Streams , Flink Forward, Berlin September 2016
  • Stephan Ewen: Keynote -The maturing data streaming ecosystem and Apache Flink’s accelerated growth ,Apache Big Data Europe 2016, Seville November 2016
  • Vasia Kalavri: Batch and Stream Graph Processing with Apache Flink. ,Flink and Neo4j Meetup Berlin, March 2016:
  • Robert Metzger: Connecting Apache Flink to the World - Reviewing the streaming connectors, Flink Forward, Berlin September 2016
  • Stephan Ewen: Running Flink Everywhere ,Flink Forward, Berlin September 2016:
  • Stephan Ewen: Scaling Apache Flink to very large State, Flink Forward, Berlin September 2016
  • Kostas Tzoumas: Counting Elements in Streams., Strata San Jose, March 2016
  • Stephan Ewen: Continuous Processing with Apache Flink, Strata + Hadoop World London, May 2016
  • Kostas Tzoumas: Apache Flink®: State of the Union and What’s Next ,Strata + Hadoop World New York, September 2016
  • Till Rohrmann & Fabian Hueske: Streaming Analytics & CEP - Two sides of the same coin?, Berlin Buzzwords, June 2016
  • Till Rohramnn: Dynamic Scaling - How Apache Flink adapts to changing workloads ,Flink Forward, Berlin September 2016


  • 《分布式流处理框架:功能对比和性能评估》,2016.11
  • 《阿里蒋晓伟:Blink计算引擎》,2016.07
  • 《Apache Flink改进及其在阿里巴巴搜索中的应用》,2016.12
  • 《Flink原理与实现:内存管理》,2016.07
  • 《Flink原理与实现:架构和拓扑概览》,2016.07
  • 《Flink原理与实现:Session Window》,2016.11
  • 《Flink原理与实现:理解Flink中的计算资源》,2016.11
  • 《Flink原理与实现:Window机制》,2016.11
  • 《Flink原理与实现:如何处理反压问题,2016.11
  • 《Flink案例整合》,2016.08



目前,我们正在组织Apache Flink项目文档的翻译工作,欢迎成为志愿者一起参与进来:https://github.com/Apache-Flink-Docs-ZH/Apache-Flink-Docs-ZH-translation



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